Being Observed (Book).png

I’ve long aspired to write a book...

When I was professional marketer — building ‘influence-agencies’ at the dawn of ‘Web 2.0’ and later, ‘Social Media’ — I wanted to write a book titled: Omnifluence. I ended up starting an agency by the name, and dropped the book idea. 

I also have an unfinished project with my children — The Alphabet Stories. But they (my kids) learned the letters of the alphabet far more quickly then I invented stories about each. And so the project remains shelved — unless a children’s book publisher comes knocking, or unless a third child does. And I know too well what the odds are. 

But now, I have a book project that I hope to complete. And I’m looking for ways — hacks — to sustain my interest, and to demand my focus. It’s a book for my children (plus, my wife and I) and because there’s no ‘external’ source of pressure — I’ll need to engineer my own. 

Thankfully, I don’t lack content for my chapters. After 5 years of meditation, journaling, and the practice of ‘mindfulness’, I have enough material to start. 

And so I’m experimenting with this — a ‘fake’ book cover to help me visualize the goal, and a published blog so I can be publicly shamed if the ‘last post’ is dated over a month back. 

Here goes...
